I took a class in college where we explored the concept of the triple bottom line – people, planet, & profit. Candidly, I didn’t get it. I didn’t understand how a company could prioritize social and environmental issues and still be profitable. Fast-forward ten years (or so) and Aspen Sky is being built on the concept – we want to be more than just another business, we want to have a positive impact on our community.

When it comes to the environment – the wine industry is tough. We have chosen to keg our wine for on-site consumption. This results in fewer CO2 emissions, protects natural resources, lowers energy consumption and reduces waste. It’s not much, but it is a step in the right direction.

Then we have people – this one was a natural fit. We are excited for the benefits Aspen Sky will bring to the community by creating additional employment opportunities and driving tax revenue into the community. But we have decided to take it one step further with our Aspen Sky Gives Back program. Periodically throughout the year we will do a special release of a wine that is tied to a specific charity. We will donate a percentage of proceeds with the goal of donating ~$5,000 per special release. 

Obviously none of these are possible without a viable business – so profit is an integral part of the plan. 

We know things will constantly evolve with our business, some things will work, others won’t – but I truly hope I get the opportunity to reach out to my old professor in a few years and show him how we successfully built Aspen Sky with a focus on the triple bottom line. 

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Aspen Sky Gives Back