Venue Policies & Procedures

Guests and Vendors

It is the Client’s responsibility to inform all caterers, musicians, florists, contractors, guests and family members of the specific times and nature of the rental agreement and policies and procedures. Client is responsible that all event participants observe all aspects of this agreement and all Aspen Sky Policies.


Client is responsible for the conduct and actions of guests, including children, vendors, and contractors. Children are prohibited from being in the parking lot and/or near the pond unsupervised. All children must be supervised by an adult at all times. Aspen Sky is not liable for any unfortunate events surrounding children on the property. Should Aspen Sky determine, in its sole discretion, that any person is endangering themselves or others, Aspen Sky reserves the right to remove that person from the Event or cancel the Event in its entirety.

Additionally, Aspen Sky has a zero tolerance policy for verbal and/or physical abuse of our staff. Any guest who conducts themselves in a way that violates this policy will be removed from the premises.


Aspen Sky prohibits the use of any decorations that may hinder the integrity of the facilities’ original state. No nails or any other device(s) will be used on the interior/exterior of any buildings or structures on Aspen Sky’s property that may cause alterations to the facilities original aesthetic.

The following decorations are prohibited by Aspen Sky; fake flower petals to be thrown, confetti, glitter, sand (indoors), sky lanterns, or nonbiodegradable decor used for Client’s exit/toss on the exterior of the property.

All items currently in the Aspen Sky event venue may not be removed. You may add pre-approved items you would like for the décor. Outside décor must be weighted/secured to prevent flyaway. Please contact Aspen Sky staff if you are unsure what is acceptable and what is not.

Table & Chair Placement

Basic floor setup is included in the Rental Rate. Aspen Sky staff will provide basic initial setup before the time block begins.

Final determination of whether a ceremony will be held indoors or outdoors must be made two hours prior to the beginning of the ceremony, at which time Aspen Sky staff will proceed with setting up the ceremony area. Should a ceremony be held indoors, Aspen Sky staff will consult with the Client on the configuration noting that tables and chairs may only be moved, not folded and stored, and it is the Client’s responsibility to reset any of their property used to decorate the tables or event space.

Aspen Sky staff will provide a breakdown of a previously agreed set of tables and chairs following dinner service for evening activities. 


The Client may not modify the landscaping at Aspen Sky in any way. While Aspen Sky makes every effort at maintaining a well manicured outdoor space for events, the state of landscaping is not always within the control of the Aspen Sky team (drought, freeze, snow, other damage). All landscaping comes “as is” and cannot be modified or changed by the Client at any time.

Special Requests

Any special requests that extend beyond provisions of this document need to be presented to Aspen Sky Management for approval in advance of the event, preferably at the time of contract signing. If additional requests need to be made after the contract is signed, those requests must be presented to the Aspen Sky Management in writing, no less than 5 business days prior to the scheduled event itself.

Outside Source Rentals

You are welcome to rent chairs, tables, tents, or any other equipment from an outside source. Renter is advised that Aspen Sky will not be responsible for any items brought by individuals or rental companies nor will Aspen Sky Staff sign for deliveries. It is the Client’s responsibility to receive, setup, move, tear down, and load all rentals as received for pickup. A Rental Removal Fee will be assessed on any items left at Aspen Sky after the event. No items including rental equipment may be left overnight for next day pickup without prior written permission by Aspen Sky Management.

Clean & Exiting Policies

Renter is required to remove any trash left on the premises (event venue, bridal suite, patio, ceremony space and Barrel Room (if rented)) by their party. This includes removal of all decorations, food and packaging brought onsite. Renter must check out of building with Aspen Sky staff before leaving the property at the end of the event.

Alcohol Policy

Aspen Sky is a bonded winery and distilled spirits plant licensed under the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) and the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. As such, the Aspen Sky event venue is subject to the laws and regulations associated with this licensing. This includes strict regulations against the presence of alcohol not produced or procured by Aspen Sky. Aspen Sky carries a zero tolerance policy for consumption of alcohol not provided by Aspen Sky while on premises. It is the Client’s responsibility that attendees are aware of Aspen Sky’s alcohol policies.

  • Failure to abide by Aspen Sky’s Alcohol Policies may result in the event being immediately terminated
  • Any and all outside alcohol found by Aspen Sky staff on the premises (including the Aspen Sky building and all associated grounds and parking lots) will be immediately confiscated.
  • The Renter will be assessed a $100 per bottle or can of outside alcohol confiscated by Aspen Sky staff or found within the event premises.
  • The Renter will be notified within 72 hours of any fines assessed for violation of Alcohol Policies.
  • Refusal by guests to comply with Aspen Sky staff on these policies will result in those guests removal from the premises.
  • Shot service will end no later than 10:30pm (earlier if deemed necessary by Aspen Sky Staff)
  • Alcohol service must be shut down 30 minutes before the end of the event.
  • The serving and/or the consumption of alcohol by persons under 21 years of age is not permitted.
  • Aspen Sky staff reserves the right to refuse service of alcoholic drinks to any person they deem fit.

Bar service must begin directly following the ceremony. 


Smoking is allowed in designated areas only. No smoking in or within 20 feet of the building. Smoking related waste must be disposed of in designated containers. There will be a fee of $1/cigarette butt that Aspen Sky must clean up.

Illegal Substances

Illegal substances are not permitted. The use or possession of illegal substances by Client or Client’s guests may result in immediate termination of Event without a refund.


Sparklers are only allowed in the parking lot with prior approval.

Open Flames

Client may have real candles as long as the flame is contained below the rim of vase/container.

Promptness of Communication

Aspen Sky cannot ensure the proper set-up or staffing for events if the contracting party does not respond to pre-event questionnaires in a timely manner. We want to make your day a success, but we need your participation to make it happen!


Renter is the responsible party for any damage to the facility or grounds arising from the event.